So I got my new PC and i'm now back to working on the game so far I started work on a health system along with fixed a issue that arose with my base weapon not liking its server functions being overridden in a child causing a freeze. I just transferred the logic to the child and left only the initial event in for its logic. after that i added the ability for the gun to do damage. After testing it i didn't like the idea of shields blocking all addition damage ,for example, if a gun does 102 damage and the player only has 1 shield left the 101 extra damage is just ignored. I quickly corrected that as this allows for head shots to be more rewarding in the long run. I then added a way to determine if a enemy or player is dead by means of rag-doll effect. i fixed the issue that was happening in the video i just though it was funny when i recorded it.
now that i have fixed that i am going to work on getting the weapons to fire at the cross-hair center then adding a little variation based on the distance of a line-trace used to get the center look at point